Soil Health Considerations For Global Food Security

Check out this paper recently co authored by Agoro Carbon Alliance Agronomist John Shanahan with researchers at the Soil Health Institute link entitled  “Soil health considerations for global food security.” Core ideas outlined in the paper include demonstrating  that U.S. commodity exports influence global food prices, which links U.S. crop production to global food security.   […]

Carbon Cropping Challenges in the Northern U.S., Thoughts from an Agronomist

There are inherent challenges with introducing new conservation practices on any farm.  Whether it is in a corn, soybean or wheat field or others, these challenges may be the same or they may be unique, depending on a variety of factors.  When an additional layer of constraint is added to these systems, the challenge can […]

Soil Carbon Sequestration Potential of Arid Soils

Growers are well aware of the yield differences and potential between fields on their farm. And the range of yield potential only grows the more we zoom out to a larger geographic area. This inherent yield potential of the soil is driven by many factors – slope, drainage class, clay content, CEC, and of course […]