Life-Long Learning Essential to Success in Agriculture

Life-Long Learning Essential to Success in Agriculture

Meet farmer Allen Hensley. In his 20s, Allen Hensley was managing restaurants in Oklahoma, but when he drove by farms similar to those that shaped his youth, he knew he was missing his calling.  “One of the hardest things for me was driving by the fields being harvested.  I could just smell it, the memories […]

A Better Way to Farm

A Better Way to Farm

Last year, Allen Hensley was talking to his friend Ryan Harlan who told him, “There has to be a better way to farm.”   The two Texas farmers were talking about farming more efficiently and profitably, with less disturbance of the soil, fewer costly synthetic inputs, and less reliance on high-dollar machinery.   “I met Ryan with […]

Biodiversity’s Impact on Soil Health and Rancher Profitability


In cattle production, biodiversity in pastures is vital for soil health and rancher success. A diverse plant ecosystem provides many benefits including enhanced water and nutrient retention, and increasing resilience to weather extremes. Improved soil health also boosts forage productivity, which can act as a shield against droughts. For ranchers, there’s an opportunity for a […]