Illinois study shows universally positive effect of cover crops on soil microbiome
Microbial activity in soils is responsible for so many of the natural, critical processes involved with growing crops- most of which we take for granted! Nutrient cycling, aggregate stability, and so many symbiotic relationships between plant roots and microbes make growing the phenomenal crops that we do possible and sustainable. This new global analysis from […]
Soil Health Considerations For Global Food Security
Check out this paper recently co authored by Agoro Carbon Alliance Agronomist John Shanahan with researchers at the Soil Health Institute link entitled “Soil health considerations for global food security.” Core ideas outlined in the paper include demonstrating that U.S. commodity exports influence global food prices, which links U.S. crop production to global food security. […]
Carbon Farming Podcast Ep. 2: Is Carbon Farming For You?
Is Carbon Farming For You? We speak with Agoro Carbon Alliance’s agronomists to answer some of the most common questions you may have about Carbon Farming. Mark Worner (Ohio-based) and Travis Kidd (Texas-based) help growers and ranchers understand the benefits and drawbacks of conservation practice changes that can help your land improve soil health and bring in […]