What Carbon Credits Generation Looks Like in Different Regions

Corn Belt vs. Pacific Northwest Growing up and living in the midst of Midwest agriculture has always been a part of my life; specifically corn and soybeans with little to no other crops mixed in. Eight months after joining Agoro Carbon Alliance as an agronomist I was asked to transition to help support our farmers […]
Carbon Farming Podcast Ep. 12: Carbon Opportunities in Iowa

In this episode we welcome Alejandro Plastina, Associate Professor of Economics at Iowa State University alongside his former student and our Cornbelt Carbon Cropping Manager, Clay Craighton. Dr. Alejandro Plastina specializes in agricultural production and technology, with an emphasis on farm business and financial management. His research focuses on the socioeconomic drivers of conservation practices, voluntary pest […]
The “Dirt” on Carbon Contracts

The “Dirt” on Carbon Contracts: Top 5 Things to Consider Before Signing 1. Contract Length There are a wide variety of contracts for carbon out there, but when specifically talking about the contract length, programs can vary between a 1 year contract and a 10 year contract, or longer. There are pros and cons to […]