Deep-Carbon storage: Biological, chemical & physical strategies to enhance carbon stocks in agricultural subsoils

A recently published paper in Soil Biology and Biochemistry has shed light on an overlooked but critically important component of carbon sequestration in soils. The paper highlights the role of agricultural subsoil, which is the soil that exists under the topsoil at depths greater than 30 cm, in combatting climate change through soil carbon sequestration. […]
Finding Value In The Carbon Markets

In this article from Seed World magazine, Agoro Carbon’s Regional Sales Manager Jerry Stephens highlights how farmers can benefit from the carbon market. “I don’t sell anything to producers, I can only buy carbon credits,” says Agoro Carbon Alliance Regional Sales Manager, Jerry Stephens. “Right now, the methodology for creating carbon credits is where Agoro Carbon is […]
Illinois study shows universally positive effect of cover crops on soil microbiome

Microbial activity in soils is responsible for so many of the natural, critical processes involved with growing crops- most of which we take for granted! Nutrient cycling, aggregate stability, and so many symbiotic relationships between plant roots and microbes make growing the phenomenal crops that we do possible and sustainable. This new global analysis from […]