Seth Urbanowitz
Seth grew up in a small town in Illinois. He has over ten years of experience in the agriculture industry, the university system, and working as an independent consultant. Seth holds several degrees: B.S. in Agribusiness Economics (Southern Illinois), M.S. in Education (University of Tennessee), M.S. in Plant Science & Agronomy (South Dakota State University). Throughout the years, opportunities to work in production ag and on the technical side, helped him gain knowledge of the diverse production systems across the West and Midwest. Seth specializes in soil fertility, soil health, cover crops, on-farm research, carbon and nitrogen cycling. He maintains that contributing to the larger picture and adding value to an agricultural operation are his prime motivations. Seth believes agronomy feeds the world and he enjoys solving problems with growers.
Seth Urbanowitz

Latests news from Seth Urbanowitz

Talk To An Agronomist Calculate Your Carbon Potential