1 minute

A Carbon Buyer's Perspective

We are heading up the value chain with Ariel Perez of Hartree Partners to learn the carbon marketplace perspective from one buyer. Hartree Partners is a global energy and commodities firm that provides high-impact, low-cost solutions to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon future and to monetize the potential of that shift for their customers. In this episode you will learn the importance of purchasing carbon offsets to businesses, why some are interested in agricultural carbon offsets, and decision factors that go into purchasing carbon credits.

“We will be able to create an additional revenue stream that diversifies and strengthens the livelihoods and the revenue streams for people who are on the front lines growing food and taking care of the land on which we all depend.” -Ariel Perez, Hartree Partners

Listen to the episode here, or on SpotifyApple PodcastsAudible.
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Published on: July 5, 2022