The Carbon Cycle In Plants

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The Carbon Cycle In Plants

Plants engage in a continuous conversation with carbon. Above you will see the carbon cycle in plants and how a constant dialogue occurs to store soil carbon.

Through the process of photosynthesis, they harness solar energy to create sugars, as well as other carbon-based plant compounds, from carbon dioxide and water. The plant expels carbon-based sugars from its roots, nourishing bacteria and fungi in the surrounding soil. These microorganisms, in return, mutually convert organic materials in the soil into nutrients for the plants and assist them in defending against diseases and pests. In this process, the organic compounds consumed by soil bacteria and fungi are transformed into stable materials, effectively trapping carbon in the soil for decades, or even centuries. A healthier soil signifies a healthier planet, showcasing the crucial role of soil health in helping reduce our global carbon emissions.

Soil Carbon & Soil Health

The relationship between soil carbon and organic matter directly influences soil health. Elevated levels of soil carbon, and consequently higher percentages of soil organic matter, create more surfaces where positively charged nutrients like calcium, magnesium, and potassium can adhere. This makes these nutrients more easily accessible for plant absorption. Soil carbon acts as a binding agent, enhancing the formation of soil aggregates. These aggregates enhance water penetration and soil structure, fostering root growth and enabling plants to pull more nutrients and water from the soil activity. Increased fungal activity further promotes aggregation, establishing a positive feedback loop. Both research and practical farming experiences demonstrate that conservation practices significantly enhance the future of soil health by improving water penetration and soil aggregation.

Published on: October 2, 2023